Home - New Tab Page Google Chrome extension (110,000+ users).
You are welcome to share your thoughts and ideas to make it better.

Top Rated Feedback 587

Under review

Google search, choose search engine

Richard Lewis 9 years ago updated by Balázs Galambosi 6 years ago 6 29 duplicates

Be able to pick our own search engine


Hide elements, cleaner look

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago updated 6 years ago 2 6 duplicates
Cleaner homepage by hiding elements (Vote for what you want to hide too!):

Sync Apps, Settings, Notes between computers

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago updated by George Hosten 6 years ago 2 4 duplicates

Plus maybe notifications.


Most Visited Sites List

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Folders for apps

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Folders to categorize app icons

Under review

Multiple Gmail accounts

David Hawkins 9 years ago updated by Balázs Galambosi 6 years ago 1
Would be useful!

Calendar extended view

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago 0
To show more events if needed.

News Reader (RSS)

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0
A beautiful way to read news inside the new tab page.
Most important ones could appear inside the Notifications panel.

Made my browser run slow

N Anderson 9 years ago 0 23 duplicates

Every time I searched something it took forever to load


Third party apps (widgets)

Balázs Galambosi 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0 1 duplicate

They could be easily submitted and listen for notifications, open a new tab or have a UI that is shown inside the new tab.